Blue Solar Panels is a small family owned commercial solar farm installation company by husband and wife, Ruben and Roxanne.
Blue Solar Panels was established in November of 2019 with a focus on safety, providing quality work, and expert knowledge. The company’s Founder/CEO Ruben Amaro started Blue Solar Panels with the intention to create a company that would grant opportunities to those that would have been overlooked, job openings, and a legacy. Amaro came to the industry with over 25 years of experience in commercial and industrial electrical work. Amaro also opened the company with over 5 years of leading and installing commercial solar farms. As of 2022 Mr. Amaro continues an active role in the company and industry through staying up to date on current events relating to the industry and through the confirmation and operation of all Blue Solar Panel projects.
Blue Solar Panels, Cofounder/COO Roxanne Santiago built the company alongside her husband Ruben Amaro in 2019. Mrs. Santiago brought to the company not only electrical related experience but also over 10 years of office managerial experience. Mrs. Santiago maintains an active role through handling all aspects relating to company finances, office management, and as the company liaison.

With about 65-100 employees, Blue Solar is fairly small, still allowing everyone to know one another and create lasting bonds. Blue Solar prides themselves in making sure every employee understands that their voice will be heard.

Dedicated to providing you with the highest quality work. We take pride in doing it right the first time; while exceeding all expectations and maintaining work safety protocols.
Built with family in mind, we at Blue Solar understand how precious family is and commit ourselves to welcoming you with the same warmness.

Blue Solar currently provides services for racking installation, module installation, and QA/QC.